Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Star Trek : Into darkness

The First poster of the new Star Trek Movie entitle Star Trek into Darkness directed by J.J. Abrams has been released and here you go....

Friday, October 5, 2012

Star Trek into Darkness clip Revealed

On Conan O Brien last night J.J. Abrams (director of Star Trek 2009) revealed a new clip for the highly anticipated movie Star Trek into Darkness clip. I do not need to set this clip up because it is dicuss within the video .. enjoy

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pre-Orders for "The Dark Knight Rises" are up....

Yes it is true after months of waiting pre-orders are up for "The Dark Knight Rises". I just want everyone to remember that is the last Batman movie that Christopher Nolen will direct. This will be the last flim that Christian Bale will play the Cape Crusader. There are going to be different visions of the movie being released out. First you will have the regular DVD movie, then the DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack, the Trilogy Box Set and the Limited edition DVD/Blu-Ray set will include a replica broken bat cowl here are the images.

The regular DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack

The Trilogy Box set:
The limited edition :
The DVD/Blu-Ray will run you about $24.99
The Trilogy will run you about $37.09
and the limited edition will run you about $35.99
You can pre-order your movie at amazon.com. Needless to say I already pre-ordered my Blu-ray and Trilogy movie

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How much did you pay for those sneakers?

As I was surfing around the web, I came across some sneakers that every geek will LOVE. I am a sneaker head, give me vans and converse and I am one happy camper. When I found these sneakers I don't care how much these sneakers cost because they are that cool. Which sneakers I am talking about you may ask? I am talking about the "Back to the Future" sneakers yup these ..
 Now these sneakers cost from 3,500 to 4,000 dollars! Why so much? It is because the money is going to a great cause. All the money will go to the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson Research. If you want these bad boys get them quick because only 1,500 pairs are going to be made. 

The Avengers .... Best Super Hero TEAM movie EVER !.?!?!

Before I start giving my thoughts on this movie my only regret is that I did not do this when the movie came out in the movie theater.

When I say what is the BEST superhero team movie, what comes to mind? Is it "X-Men" (talking about the original, not First Class) .. No. Is it The "Fantastic Four"? ... No. It's "The Avengers" and not just because the movie is most recent. "The Avengers" is directed by Joss Whedon, who is I think most remember for his work on the three episodes of "Firefly". It is not just what he did for the movie but also what Marvel did. Marvel did an experiment with their baby ( I'll explain later ) Iron Man. In the post credits of "Iron Man" you hear then see Nick Fury ( played by Samuel L. Jackson) talk about the Avengers Initiative. After saying those two words, everyone was waiting for the next Marvel movie to come out. What sets "The Avengers" from movie aside from movies like X-Men and the Fantastic Four is that for the most part every character had their own movie to tell their back stories. That did not happen with the other movies so it seemed a little rushed and you could not tell one story. You had to tell the background of every character and then explain how they got together as a team and oh yeah fight one common enemy. I believe that Iron Man is Marvel's baby for the simple fact that if the movie did not o as well as it did, I do not think we would have an Avengers movie. If you just look at the box of The Avengers, who do you see first ? Yup Iron Man.

Marvel released the movie in several different ways. If you go to Beat Buy you can get the movie on DVD for 16.99, DVD and Blu-ray for 19.99, 3d Blu-ray + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Music for 29.99 or you could have gotten the Best Buy exclusive gift set which includes 30 sideshow collectible gift card, Avengers Guide, Lighten Lithograph Case, Litho Card and the four disc Blu-ray combo pack. Before I continue on how I was a little disappointed from Marvel, I just want to say that I think 3-D is a waste of time and the only reason why the movie studios have 3-D is just to make more money. I brought the Blu-ray and DVD pack and was disappointed to find out it did not include the digital download. I mean if you are giving me the Blu-ray and DVD why don't just add the digital download? Why do I have to buy the 3-D combo pack to get the digital download? I'm not going to use the 3-D disk so that is like wasting money for something that I'm not going to use.

The thing that I found cool was the app Marvel says you could download for free for the movie. With this app you could follow the movie and unlock personal profiles for almost each character.

The movie itself starts with action from the gecko. I'm not going to go scene by scene of the movie but I will say this. I think the personality of each superhero within the movie we have within our selfs. I also think the movie can show us how to work with different people and how sometimes we need to put aside our own mind set to get the job done. I also think Iron man stole the stole by how many one liners he had within the movie. The extra within the movie are amazing and I hope I will be able to see all of them. I do think this is the BEST superhero TEAM movie of all time mainly because of the build up. Over and out

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New York Comic-Con

Yes it's true I am going to my first Con ... New York Comic Con. I am going for many different reasons... 1) I would like to get some of my comic books sing by their respective writers 2) I would like to meet every I follow on twitter who is going to comic-con this year and 3) it's my first con.... How exciting is that

The following picture is of me and my nycc ticket. I am only going on Saturday because I can't take too many days off from work. I was debating with t-shirt I should wear. Should it be from Marvel or from DC? I went with DC and as you can see I am going to wear my GreenLantern t-shirt . Even thou I'm going to NYCC I still would like to go to the mother of all cons.... yup that's right SDCC but I guess you are going have to learn how to crawl before you can walk... Over and out

Friday, September 21, 2012

I-phone 5.. Is it just hype?

It truly has been awhile since my last blog. I am going to try to get into blogging more. Please do not mind my background as I am still trying to figure this site out, having said that let's begin.

Many Nerds around the country even the world woke up tody with some excitement inside of them..was today the day they are going out on thier first date? NO. .. Was today the day they were going to ditch those nerdy glasses and FINALLY get contacts? NO.. Today was the day that the I-phone 5 was relased to the major public. Yes if you guys are asking, people did camp out for the phone but do not worry they did bring coffee inside thier superman or ironman thermostat. Now after the WWDC I was asking myself is the I-phone 5 really worth it? I already have an I-phone 4s which works perfectly for me. Is it just me or is apple releasing phones almost every year. As I look at the I-phone 5, I ask myself so what's new? I answered my own question and I said NOTHING. Yes the I-phone has better resolution ;, taller screen and LTE (where available) but that is pretty much it. After I pre-ordered my I-phone 5, I had some regets. I mean I even agreed with my friend V, who is avid andriod user and could talk to you into buying one. In full disclousre I do work at Best Buy Moible, so I know some things about phones. When someone asks me which phone is better the S3 or I-phone 5, I will always tell them S3 is WAY better. They come back at me and ask me why and I will respond the S3 has more features that the I-phone 5 does not have and is a comparsion of the two. . .
 The only thing that I was excited about was iOS 6 which by the way was nothing mind-blowing. So if you want a phone for the same price as the I-phone 5.. I would recommend the S3 or you could wait till the S4 comes out hopefully next year. SO in short I think the I-phone 5 is just hype and how much do you want to bet next year apple is going to come out with the I-phone 5S. . . Its just hype people ... Over and Out

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Avengers vs Christopher Nolan

Before I start writing my first blog, I will like for everyone to know I prefer DC comics than Marvel. My favorite superheroes are Batman, Spider-man, Green Lantern and Iron man in that order. I would et you guys know why Batman is my favorite superhero another time. This post is about The Avengers vs Christopher Nolan. As we all know the beginning of the summer movies is going to start this coming Friday,May 4 ,with the release of "The Avengers", which I am looking forward in seeing. Of course I have not seen the movie yet ( hopefully will on Friday ) but when I do I will let you guys know what I think. I am writing this post in anger and just pure disgust to what I read on twitter a couple of weeks ago. This one tweeter (which I will not say any names) had a special viewing to see "The Avengers" before anyone else could which I had no problem. The only problem I have with this person is after they saw "The Avengers" they went on to claim it as the best comic book movie ever. They went also to say Christoper Nolan as a director is awful. They also went to say "The Dark knight" did not even come close to "The Avengers" and even "The Dark Knight Rises"(which by the way NO one has seen) will not even come close to "The Avengers". I disagree with this person on all three points, let's take one by one. First to say that Christopher Nolan is an awful director is just absurd. Have I seen other Nolan films other than Batman, yes I have, I saw "Inception". Does that make me an expert on Nolans films of course not, but their is one thing I do know ... He can direct. What Nolan did to the Batman movie is just beyond perfect. He has brought some new life in this movie franchise which was desperately needed, we all remember that disaster that was Batman and Robin and let's not forget Batman Forever. Personally love these new triogly of Batman films. They are more grittier than the rest of the Batman films because if you guys do not already know these Batman films are based on the graphic novels. When I came out of the theater after watching Batman Begins I was like "wow this is something different". Lets look at "The Dark Knight".... The Dark knight first was not a kid friendly movie. It was aimed towards more adult comic book readers which I love. The Dark Knight,TDK for short, had so many political undertone within the movie which by the way none of the Marvel movies have. I will give you guys maybe that was not the way in which the Marvel directors wanted to go. My standard of a great comic book movie is TDK. Some people may argue the only reason why TDK did well in the box office is because of Heath Ledger. In my opinion I think the reason why the movie did so well was because of Heath's ACTING not death. Will I change my opinion on the avengers vs TDK debate..maybe..maybe not. Let's get into the arguemwnt between The Dark Knight Rises, TDKR, vs "The Avengers". TDKR vs "The Avengers" is no contest ... Because you can not compare them. If you do you are telling me it will have to take four superheroes to be in one movie just to beat one man who dresses up as a bat? I will go in being batman. If DC came out with a Justice League movie, fine than I will comapare the avengers and the justice league but until then I will not compare the avengers and any of the recent batman movies. The facts are TDKR is set for a July release, do we all know what that means? It means TDKR is one of the most anticipated movie of the year. During July everybody is enjoying the summer, some if not all students are out of school. It means more people are going to watch it. May movies are like eh. I mean TDKR is so anticipated, it has it's own trailer within the avengers movie. I just can not wait for Friday. The Avengers looks like its going to be a great movie.