Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Expanding the DC Universe . . .. . . . .

Hello fellow nerds and geeks ,
  This blog is mainly about the Justice League movie that seems always to be delayed and expanding the DC Universe. We all know how successful the Batman trilogy by Christopher Nolan was in the movie theaters right? My question to you guys is that was that due to the fact it was the character or was it the script and why did Green Lantern did not do as well? I think the answer is clear for both movies. The script had a lot to do with it but it also has to deal with how recognizable the characters are. Everybody and their mother loves Batman and Superman and to me, they are the main focal characters in the DC Universe. This could be a big problem for Warner's if they just want to jump in and make a Justice League movie. If the rumors are true and Warner's wants to have five super heroes in the Justice League movie, my question will be how can you give each character enough screen time within two and a half hours? Should DC take a page out of Marvel and do what they did, in having solo films building up to a super hero team movie? My answer is Yes and please hear me out before you say DC can not do that because Marvel already did, so DC needs to come out with a different way. If you do not know this about me, I'm a big sports fan and I am going to make this analogy. A couple of years ago, a movie came out by the name of "MoneyBall". The movie basically describes how the Oakland A's of Major League Baseball (MLB) tries to complete with the big market teams, like the New York Yankees. What Billy Beane (general manger of the Oakland A's) decides to do, is to get players that other teams do not want because they might be passed their prime. Billy uses numbers instead of gut feeling and talent to build a baseball team. You might be asking yourself, "Well what does this have to do with comics and especially the DC universe?" My answer to you is ALOT. After the Oakland A's made it to the playoffs using the system that Billy said to use, other teams like the Boston Red Sox used the same way of building a team and guess what .. they won the World Series not once but TWICE. The system called MoneyBall is currently being use around the Majors and no one is complaining about it. They are saying if it works why fix it. The New York Mets are also using this system but then again they are the New York Mets. My point is I think DC should use the same format Marvel did to get to their super hero team movie. If it works do not fix it. If DC decides not to use this system and just jumps into their super hero team movie, how can you tell me a person who does not read the comics is going to enjoy the movie? They have never ever seen or heard that certain character before excluding Superman and Batman, they are going to have this question in the back of their minds thought out the movie... "Who is this character and how did they get their powers?" I think DC and Warner's should do five solo films first, explaining each characters origin and how a big or small of a role they have in the DC universe. The audience needs to care about characters they have never heard before or have a sight understanding of the character like a Aquaman, who has always been the butt of jokes. This brings me into my next point which is expanding the DC Universe. .. . . .

 On Saturday morning I wake up and I turn the channel to Cartoon Network because they had this block of an hour called "DC Nation" in which they showed animated cartoon super heroes. Now before they had this in the morning, every young kid had to wait till the evening to watch shows like Justice League and Teen Titans. Since they had this in the morning I said to myself man this is a great way to start the day, watching cartoons of my favorite super heroes. Within this block they had shows like Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Young Justice (which is a show about the super heroes sidekicks). I have to say that both shows are great because they EXPAND the DC universe because either show do not focus on Batman or Superman. They try to get to viewer to understand the different characters that exist within the universe. Unfortunately Cartoon network decides to cancel both shows because Cartoon Network says they could not sell toys which thy say is one of the main ways they make money even though rating for both shows are extremely high and both shows sell well in iTunes. To me it does not make sense because Green Lantern and Young Justice have huge roles in the DC universe. These creators were in my mind at least were exposing young and adults about the different characters in the DC universe and to cancel both of these shows is a big mistake in my mind. I say this because if DC wants to make another Green Lantern movie, the animated series does not necessarily need to follow the same plot of the movie but can serve as a back drop of information in which the audience can use and at least could make some connection to the animated series. Going with this idea of EXPANDING the DC universe, I turn to the comic books. Just today, DC released the numbers on how well The New 52 is doing. Currently DC released two new books called Vibe and Katana, not surprising they did very low as for sales. (In full disclosure I have Vibe on my pull list and I am interested in reading the book). This is a problem because readers are not willing to spend 3.99 and take that chance in reading a new character while they have eleven batman books to choose from. I think if DC wants to be as successful as Marvel, it all starts in the comics and in the animated tv shows. Even Geoff Johns said in a podcast on "FatMan on Batman" by Kevin Smith, that he loves to take characters like Aquaman (which he is currently writing and a comic that I have on my pull list) which no one cares about and make the audience want to care again. He goes on to say their is a reason why the character suviered so long , he just wants to find that spark again. Having said all of this, I just hope DC and Waners do not mess up this Justice League movie.

                      Until next time stay classy fellow nerds and geeks

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