Sunday, May 5, 2013

Stick to the Script (or in this case the Comics)

Before I start I am going to say that this blog will contain SPOILERS of Iron Man 3, so if you have not     seen the movie yet please do not continue reading . . . . .  ..  .

Before I discuss the movie, I want to say very proudly I did the Iron Man Marathon that showed the following movies, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Avengers and Iron Man 3 then I went to see Iron Man 3 the next day. . .

Let me begin to the reason why I am writing this blog.. After Iron Man 3 came out some people, I guess you can so some well known people on twitter was asking everyone what they thought of the movie. .. of course after what I just saw, I had to put my two cents in. I dunno why I did not enjoy the movie as much as the other people did but something happened. Was it the fact that I was sitting in the same seat from nine in the morning to midnight? No that can not be it. Could it be that the movie theater in which I saw Iron Man was not the BIG IMAX screen that I hoped for? No that was not it either. Could it be that Robert Downey Jr will no longer play Tony Stark/Iron Man anymore.. Ehhh could be but the real reason why I did not enjoy how they portrayed the "Villain" of the movie. . . The Mandarin. {SPOILERS ALERT} I'm going to make this short and sweet so if you have not seen the movie yet . . . .please DO NOT CONTINUE . . .In short the "Mandarin" ( hence the "" ) was giving the worst character details or profiles . . . I dunno what you call it. I do not know how you can make the Mandarin which by the way if you do not know is the biggest Arch-Enemy of Tony Stark. I do not find it possible how Marvel could expect fans to be ok with the character development of the Mandarin. To me and many comic book readers, the Mandarin is a cold hearted person with ten magical power rings on both of his hands and each power ring has a different function or ability that it could do. Marvel decided not to go with this is route in Iron Man 3. They decided to make the Mandarin a out of work actor who nods off from time to time and who was an drug addict in one point of his life, to me that was a throw away character. I did not take this "new" description of the Mandarin very well. Some people said "Oh you should keep an open mind and remember it's just a movie", just a movie? Sorry but when you are making a comic book movie don't you owe it to the fans who actually read the comic books to make it at least somewhat similar? I mean can you keep the villains the same? Is that too much to ask? To me at least the Iron Man 3 hype of the Mandarin being in the movie was just that . . . hype. It was a like a big middle finger to the fans who actually thought the Mandarin was going to be the Mandarin from the comics.

I do understand that movies no matter what type of movie it is will always be the interpretation of the director. There is a difference when it comes to sticking to the resource materials which are the comic book then making up your own story for a character. This brings me back to the Dark Knight Trilogy, which we all remember was director was Christopher Nolan. Did he take some liberties with the trilogy, of course he did but none of those liberties were dramatic as it was in Iron Man 3. I think I may have found the problem. When Nolan was filming The Dark Knight trilogy, Nolan had said that he was going to take stories from different graphic novels and have them show up in the movie. In a sense the graphic novel was more like structure for the movie. In Iron Man 3, I heard that they were going to use the extremis plot-line from the comics, but I have to say they even got that wrong. I know it's just a movie but when you love a character so much, you just want to see everything done right.

      Until next time nerds/geeks , stay classy