Sunday, April 29, 2012

Avengers vs Christopher Nolan

Before I start writing my first blog, I will like for everyone to know I prefer DC comics than Marvel. My favorite superheroes are Batman, Spider-man, Green Lantern and Iron man in that order. I would et you guys know why Batman is my favorite superhero another time. This post is about The Avengers vs Christopher Nolan. As we all know the beginning of the summer movies is going to start this coming Friday,May 4 ,with the release of "The Avengers", which I am looking forward in seeing. Of course I have not seen the movie yet ( hopefully will on Friday ) but when I do I will let you guys know what I think. I am writing this post in anger and just pure disgust to what I read on twitter a couple of weeks ago. This one tweeter (which I will not say any names) had a special viewing to see "The Avengers" before anyone else could which I had no problem. The only problem I have with this person is after they saw "The Avengers" they went on to claim it as the best comic book movie ever. They went also to say Christoper Nolan as a director is awful. They also went to say "The Dark knight" did not even come close to "The Avengers" and even "The Dark Knight Rises"(which by the way NO one has seen) will not even come close to "The Avengers". I disagree with this person on all three points, let's take one by one. First to say that Christopher Nolan is an awful director is just absurd. Have I seen other Nolan films other than Batman, yes I have, I saw "Inception". Does that make me an expert on Nolans films of course not, but their is one thing I do know ... He can direct. What Nolan did to the Batman movie is just beyond perfect. He has brought some new life in this movie franchise which was desperately needed, we all remember that disaster that was Batman and Robin and let's not forget Batman Forever. Personally love these new triogly of Batman films. They are more grittier than the rest of the Batman films because if you guys do not already know these Batman films are based on the graphic novels. When I came out of the theater after watching Batman Begins I was like "wow this is something different". Lets look at "The Dark Knight".... The Dark knight first was not a kid friendly movie. It was aimed towards more adult comic book readers which I love. The Dark Knight,TDK for short, had so many political undertone within the movie which by the way none of the Marvel movies have. I will give you guys maybe that was not the way in which the Marvel directors wanted to go. My standard of a great comic book movie is TDK. Some people may argue the only reason why TDK did well in the box office is because of Heath Ledger. In my opinion I think the reason why the movie did so well was because of Heath's ACTING not death. Will I change my opinion on the avengers vs TDK debate..maybe..maybe not. Let's get into the arguemwnt between The Dark Knight Rises, TDKR, vs "The Avengers". TDKR vs "The Avengers" is no contest ... Because you can not compare them. If you do you are telling me it will have to take four superheroes to be in one movie just to beat one man who dresses up as a bat? I will go in being batman. If DC came out with a Justice League movie, fine than I will comapare the avengers and the justice league but until then I will not compare the avengers and any of the recent batman movies. The facts are TDKR is set for a July release, do we all know what that means? It means TDKR is one of the most anticipated movie of the year. During July everybody is enjoying the summer, some if not all students are out of school. It means more people are going to watch it. May movies are like eh. I mean TDKR is so anticipated, it has it's own trailer within the avengers movie. I just can not wait for Friday. The Avengers looks like its going to be a great movie.